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BIND - Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative Disorders 


Journée d’échanges sur le thème « Maladies neuro-dégénératives : du droit au diagnostic à l’annonce du diagnostic ? » 17 janvier 2018BINDle Wednesday 17 January 2018 from 10h to 17h30

Une Journée d’échanges sur le thème « Maladies neuro-dégénératives : du droit au diagnostic à l’annonce du diagnostic ? » aura lieu le 17 janvier 2018 au Ministère des solidarités et de la santé de 10h- 17h30. La parole sera donnée à des experts de différentes disciplines, profes sionnels et personnes atteintes de ces maladies, afin de mieux comprendre quelle est la réalité des situations vécues...

News and EventsThursday 14 December 2017 by ERRAUD Julie.
The EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) will shortly launch a call for “Multinational research projects on Health and Social Care for Neurodegenerative Diseases”.BIND

JPND will launch a call for multidisciplinary proposals that focus on one or several of the following research areas: Care pathways and programmes using the potential of patient involvement Factors influencing progression and prognosis of disease Outcome measures for patients and their informal carers Palliative care of patients Cost-effectiveness and affordability of interventions including...

News and EventsThursday 14 December 2017 by ERRAUD Julie.
EA 4136 Handicap Activité Cognition Santé (HACS)BINDTeamsFriday 13 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie. Last update Friday 13 October 2017
Rare Diseases: Genetics and Metabolism laboratory (MRGM)BIND

Team “Neurogenetics Group”

TeamsWednesday 04 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie. Last update Wednesday 04 October 2017
Centre for study and research in administrative law and in the reform of the StateBINDTeamsWednesday 04 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie.
European Centre for studies and research in family and persons law (EA 4600)BINDTeamsWednesday 04 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie.