BIND actors
“BIND” Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative Disorders aims at bounding multiple teams, from multiple disciplines, from preclinical to clinical research and better care for multiple neurodegenerative disorders.
Clusters of Excellence of the University of Bordeaux involved in BIND contribute to the cutting-edge research in Bordeaux.
These clusters each gather research teams of high level which excellence is already internationally recognized according to standards applicable to the discipline.
Constituted around ambitious and multidisciplinary research projects, these clusters present high valorisation perspectives for French research, in terms of socio-economic impacts (valorisation, education) and image for the Bordeaux site.
Clusters are part of the Investment for the Future program launched by the French government in 2011.
- BRAIN Cluster: Bordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for Neuroscience
- TRAIL Cluster: Translational Research and Advanced Imaging Laboratory
- AMADEus Cluster: Advanced MAterials by DEsign
- LAPHIA Cluster (IdEx Bordeaux): Laser & PHotonics in Aquitaine
- LaScArBx Cluster : Bordeaux Archeological Sciences
Facilities of excellence are also a resource on which BIND project can rely on: