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BIND - Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative Disorders 



The executive structure of “BIND” is composed by the Coordination  and  Executive  Committee (CEC), constituted of  15 members and 5  representatives of the Technical  and  Scientific  committees  (TSCs). 

The  role of CEC is to :

- coordinate the  actions, enabling thereby communication, cooperation and collaboration between the TSCs

- promote collaborative  studies

- support  funder raising

- seek  for  grant calls and provide  application coordination,

- manage  the relations hip  with  regional  and  national  scientific  and  health  authorities  as  well  as  with  the  city  and  the  region

Five  Technical and Scientific Committees (TSCs) coordinated by a representative propose actions  to  the  CEC  and  conduct  actions  proposed  by  the  CEC