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BIND - Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative Disorders 


National Research Institute in Computer Science and AutomationBIND

Team “FLOWERS - Developmental and social robotics” Team “GEOSTAT - Geometry & statistics in acquisition data” Team “PHOENIX - A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Orchestrating Networked Entities” Team “POTIOC - Popular Interaction”, Inria Joint Project Team

TeamsWednesday 04 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie.
Helicobacter infection: inflammation and cancerBIND

Team “H. pylori infection in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)”

TeamsWednesday 04 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie.
The Bordeaux Population Health Research Center (BPH)BIND

Team “Psycho-epidemiology of aging and chronic diseases” Team “VINTAGE: Vascular and neurological diseases: integrative and genetic epidemiology“ Team “LEHA: Lifelong exposures, health and aging“ Team “Biostatistics” Team “Health economics”

TeamsWednesday 04 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie. Last update Wednesday 04 October 2017
PACEA: From Prehistory to nowadays: culture, environment, anthropologyBIND

Team “Anthropology of present and past populations”

TeamsWednesday 04 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie.
Research Group on Theoretic and Applied Economics (GREThA)BIND

Team “Innovation, Science & Industry” Team “Welfare, city & development”

TeamsWednesday 04 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie.
Emile Durkheim Center (CED)BIND

Team « Sociologie de la science et de l'innovation technologique » Team "Ethics of research communication »

TeamsWednesday 04 October 2017 by ERRAUD Julie.